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Smilez tax services

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Special shout out to the highest fundraisers:

Golden Hustler - Lunden Crawling

1st Runner Up - Gypsy Moonshine

2nd Runner Up - Ivy Faerie & Gigi O’Lovely

2019 Sponsors

A sincere thanks to our golden sponsors who supported the show and after parties. Click on the learn more links below and show some support to our sponsors

2018 Sponsors


A sincere thanks to our golden sponsors who supported the show and after parties. Click on the learn more links below and show some support to our sponsors

Jeff Lawson ZZ Tops concert copy.png

Dr Jeff Lawson

Dr Lawson became interested in burlesque thanks to one of his patients who was a GLCC protégé of Camille 2000. He has a rheumatology practice in Greenville, South Carolina

He is the corporate sponsor of GLCC and the after parties since 2017. Dr Lawson is our lucky golden charm, thank you for believing in our dreams. Stay golden D!

In 2018 he is also a sponsor of 2 other festivals including

  • the 2018 Burlesques Hall of Fame and the after parties  

  • and a major sponsor of the 2018 Tenth Annual New Orleans Burlesque Festival.

Thank you Dr Lawson for your time and support, we appreciate you

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Atomic Cosmetics

Dr. Jennifer Dietrich received her B.A. in Pathogenic Microbiology (University of Kansas, 1999) and her Ph.D. in Biochemistry/Biophysics (University of Kansas, 2004) with a focus on the cellular mechanisms of aging, including Alzheimer’s diagnostic technique.

Our 2018 sponsors include

Airwave Colorado - Live production

Airwave Colorado - Live production

Bella’s Tchoctckis - 3 D printed pasties

Bella’s Tchoctckis - 3 D printed pasties

MeJamz Filmz - videographer

MeJamz Filmz - videographer

Sparkleforce Academy of Burlesque - burlesque school

Sparkleforce Academy of Burlesque - burlesque school

Krotch Bandicoot- the hesitant exhibitionist

Shotgun Willies - "Best Strip Club in Denver" 

The Las Vegas Men of Burlesque

Campagne Cabaret entertainment experience

Mandi Lix - DJ

Parisi Firenze a tavola - Tuscan dining and wine bar